Choosing Wildflowers Perfect For Your Landscape

Wildflowers growing on a country road or in an alpine meadow can easily inspire homeowners to attempt to create native plant areas in their own yards. Others may just want to have attractive flowering plants in their yards that perform well with only a minimum of care. No matter which category that you fall into, having a wildflower strewn area on your own property is an achievable goal. However, although gardening with wildflowers is easier than coddling exotic plants that got their start in hothouse conditions, there are a few basic tips that will ensure that your efforts meet with success.
Why Native Plants Are Your Best Choice
Success with wildflower gardening will depend on choosing the right plants for your area, and that means using varieties that grow easily in your local region. For instance, wildflowers that are native to the sunny lands of Central America won’t be good choices for Alaskan gardens. By the same token, indigenous plants of the north may fail to thrive and even die when exposed to large amounts of heat and dry air. Even plants that are indigenous to the same region will have different cultural requirements.